HPS 3000

Ultra high pressure pump with three plungers
The HPS 3000 pump can go up to a maximum pressure of 1400 bars, a power of 225 kW and a maximum flow rate of 484 L/min, this pump supplied by HUGES adapts itself to different types of industrial applications thanks to its robustness.

Information request

See the following document for performance options :


Thanks to its robust design, the HPS3000 pump is an excellent solution, in terms of performance, to solve the industry’s most demanding problems. It also has common components with the larger HPS5000 pump.

The mechanical part (which includes the crankshafts), has a forced lubrication system with filtration and oil cooling. A SAE1 adapter flange is available, allowing the pump to be coupled with the flywheel of an internal combustion engine or electric motor. The design of the head is optimized, with the valves positioned in line, to avoid cyclic metal hardening and to facilitate maintenance. The treated ceramic pistons extend the life of the seals. The improved design, with seals, plungers and valves, withstands high pressures at high flow rates.

Max flow 484 l/min to 250 Bar
(106,4 igpm / 128,2 usgpm at 3 625 psi)
Max pressure 1400 Bar to 77 l/min
(20 300 psi at 17,0 igpm / 20,5 usgpm)
Max power 225 kW
HPS 3000


  • Pump head in inox steel 431
  • Ceramic plungers and self-adjusting seals
  • Hardened alloy steel crankshaft with very long-lasting connecting rods.
  • White heated steel bearings.
  • Cast iron crankcase with forced lubrication, filtration and oil cooling.
  • Forged connecting rods with low-friction bearings
  • Built-in reducer that allows direct coupling to the motor, without transmission by pulley/belt system.
  • Safety valve
  • Pressure gauge

Assembly options

  • 316 inox steel pump head for use in sea water
  • Choice of the ratio of the built-in gear unit to adapt to the drive by thermal or electric motor
  • Adapter flange SAE 1 for coupling the pump to the flywheel of a combustion or electric motor
  • By-pass
  • Pressure regulator (manually or automatically operated)
  • High pressure valves
  • Pump alone or complete assembly